
How does the dashboard work?

In this article we'll take a look at the dashboard. What does it tell about the data and how to interpret the results. dashboard consists of four different segments:

  • - Company Fitness Index®
  • Company culture
  • Tasks
  • Financial development - Company Fitness Index® - Company Fitness Index® gives a numeric value to your company's holistic condition. Any number between 0-40 is a weakness, between 40-60 is an opportunity and from 60 to 100 is a strength.

The index is based on three key aspects:

  • Leadership
  • Capability
  • Efficiency

The Company Culture

The company culture is a view of your organization's behavior, values, and procedures. The company culture sum is 100% and it is divided into four different segments:

  1. Disconnected culture
  2. Individual culture
  3. Authoritative culture
  4. Productive culture

In Disconnected culture processes and know-how are not on the desired level. Disconnected culture is something you want to get at 0% of the total.

In individual culture, people know what to do and when. In an ideal situation, individual culture is about 25%.

Ideally an organization needs to have some authoritative culture too. Work is clear, equal and purposeful for all. In an ideal situation, authoritative culture is at about 25%.

Productive culture is a result of your improved capability and efficiency, and it is the most desired form of company culture. In an ideal situation, productive culture reaches 50%.


Tasks are generated automatically from the analysis results. On the dashboard is shown the total amount of tasks and the tasks that are in progress. Tasks are a concrete way to can improve your organization and to reach strategic goals with the whole team and staff.

Financial development

In company financials, it is shown how the development of a company effects on financials. Prioritio turns Dun & Bradstreet financial numbers into clear KPI's that the progress can be followed.